Robert M. Brush

Robert M. Brush
- Member of Florida Bar since November 5th, 1982
- Florida Bar Board of Governors, 2000 to 2010
- Bar Representative for all Lawyers & Judges in Polk, Highlands & Hardee
- Former Chair of Disciplinary Procedures Committee, Florida Bar
- Former Chair Rules Committee, Florida Bar
- Member 2004 – 2005 Board Review Committee Florida Bar on Advertising
- Member 2004 – 2005 Program Evaluation Committee, Florida Bar
- Former member Disciplinary Review Committee, Florida Bar
- Former President Lakeland Bar Association, 1997 and 1998
- Member Polk County Trial Lawyers Association
- Former member Young Lawyers Division, Florida Bar 4 years
- Representative for all “young lawyers” in Polk, Highlands & Hardee Counties
- Former Chair Tenth Judicial Circuit Grievance Committee (10B)
- Grievance Committee Florida Bar (10B)
- Employed from June 27, 2013 to Present at Brush & Coyle, P.A., as President and shareholder.
- Employed from February 1, 2008 to June 26, 2013 at Brush, Pujol & Coyle, P.A. as President and shareholder.
- Employed from January 1, 2007 – January 31, 2008 at Kelly, Brush, Pujol & Coyle P.A. as President and shareholder
- Employed from 2000 – 2006 at Brush & Pujol, P.A. as President and shareholder
- Employed from 1982 – 2000 at Lane Trohn, now Gray Robinson, in Lakeland, Florida. Engaged in the trial practice of personal injury, wrongful death, defense and plaintiffs work, family law, medical malpractice, general civil litigation, insurance coverage issues, insurance disputes, real property litigation and EEOC claims and defenses, non-compete contract litigation
- Former Slip and Fall Defense Counsel 10th Judicial Circuit for Publix Super Markets, Inc.
- Former Slip and Fall Defense Counsel 10th Judicial Circuit for Winn-Dixie.
- Born in New Wilmington, Pennsylvania; Amish Country
- Married with two children, residing in Lakeland, Florida since 1982
- Enjoys cattle ranching and hunting
- Graduated from University of Florida w/ Honors – College of Law, 1982
- Graduated w/ Honors in Premedical Sciences from Juniata College, 1978
- Graduated National Honor Society, Wilmington Area High School, 1975
Mr. Brush can be reached at 863-603-0563