Slip and Fall

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention over one million Americans suffer a slip, trip and fall injury each year. An even worse statistic is that one third of adults 65 and older fall each year. Indeed, slip and fall accidents account for more injury deaths of older Americans than any other form of accident. The attorneys of Brush & Coyle know these facts and they take slip and fall cases seriously.
What is Florida law regarding slip and fall accidents?
Typically, Florida law requires owners of property to maintain their premises in a reasonably safe condition and to warn of a dangerous condition on their property that they knew or should have known was dangerous. This law applies to landowners, homeowners, grocery stores, shopping malls, parking lots and building owners.
What can the lawyers at Brush & Coyle do for your slip and fall case?
The attorneys and staff at Brush & Coyle will investigate your slip and fall case. Typically, the first step is to go to the scene if possible and take photographs of the dangerous condition. Next, our attorneys would interview any potential witnesses to the accident. Brush & Coyle’s attorneys have a great deal of experience handling slip and fall cases and are uniquely qualified to handle your slip and fall case since Robert M. Brush previously was defense counsel for the 10 Judicial Circuit (Polk, Hardee and Highlands counties) for Publix Super Market, Inc. and Winn-Dixie.